【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】eye catching 8

【Baccarat】Etna tumbler バカラ エトナ タンブラー

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Baccarat Etna tumbler


【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】Baccarat Etna tumbler


A bright business entrepreneur, Aime = Gabriel Darutigu, acquired a factory in the new technology crystal glass of 1816.

When I make Crystal Kiln run for the first time, will increase the name recognition as if had been born again.

In 1823, ordered a glass set from Louis XVI. Then Charles XII, King Louis-Phillips, President of France etc.

A power owner at the time surely ordered. This Baccarat Etna is one of the popular series among enthusiasts.


バカラ エトナ タンブラー







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