【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】森伊蔵 Phantom Shochu Moriizo 森伊蔵酒造 焼酎

【森伊蔵】Phantom Shochu Moriizo 森伊蔵酒造 焼酎 少量限定戦略モデル

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Phantom Shochu Moriizo


【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】森伊蔵 Phantom Shochu Moriizo 森伊蔵酒造 焼酎


Moriizo Second-hand market in Japan. Prices soared, it became a bubble.

Moriizo is a refined and sweet mellow flavor, easy to drink. I saw the auction market in Japan as a whole, but rose to around 8.7 times the list price per one.

The over-the-counter sales price is 1.8 liters, it is surprisingly inexpensive pricing around 1, about 2,225 yen,(20.33 dollars) then it soared, it is the average price range of about 18,000 to 20,000 yen.(182.7 dollars)

Because of the small amount of production, Mori Ito promoted limited strategy using the method of lottery.

Applications at department stores and Japan Airlines without general sales are able to grasp the attributes of customers to a certain extent and the way to build relationships of trust with customers for a long time is taken well.

It is a superb strategy to survive the brewery by raising the brand power with a limited strategy that is not available in general in the opposite of the method of wholesale to mass retailers and cheap stores etc. in large quantities.


鹿児島が誇る伝統的な「かめつぼ仕込み」による 幻の焼酎 森伊蔵




日本国内のオークション市場を全体的に見たが、一本あたり定価の約 8.7 倍前後まで上昇した。

店頭販売価格は、 1.8 リットル入りで、1本 約 2,225 円前後と驚異的に安価な価格設定であり、その後高騰し、約 18,000~20,000円の平均価格帯である。




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