【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】eye catching 12

【CHANEL】Matelasse Chain shoulder マトラッセ チェーンショルダー

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CHANEL Matelasse Chain shoulder


【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】CHANEL Matelasse Chain shoulder


CHANEL Matelasse Second-hand market in Japan.

Coco Chanel uses a strategy that accepts the concept of trout in luxury fashion and takes it against it.

Unlike other luxury brands, by accepting the existence of mass market, succeeded in paradox strategy of increasing our own value which is small production. With most luxury brands, the profit range of bags is considered to be a staggering size of roughly 10 to 12 times the cost price.

The high profit that these Chanel bags provide is a source of long-term development models. It is invested in technology development and image creation which is one of the core competences of the Chanel brand.

The continuation of this cycle is a source of solid dominance creation.









About PG編集:道長

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