【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】Celine Vintage Shoulder Bag

【Celine】Vintage Shoulder Bag セリーヌ ヴィンテージ ショルダーバッグ

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Celine Vintage Shoulder Bag


【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】Celine Vintage Shoulder Bag


Celine Vintage Shoulder Bag Second-hand market in Japan. For the model, smooth touch leather is made delicately.

The carriage metal fittings on the center of the bag that is not present in Celine are designed to be large enough to remind the era of a good economic bubble.

A rare black leather model that you never saw in Japan can be recognized as Celine at a glance.

Celine Vintage Leather Shoulder Bag is traded in the secondhand market at about 30,000 yen or more.

Also, the horse carriage metal fittings for belts are trading at about 5,000 yen in second hand market.


【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】Celine Vintage Shoulder Bag


セリーヌ ヴィンテージ・ショルダーバッグ






セリーヌ ヴィンテージ レザー ショルダーバッグは、中古市場では、約 30,000 円以上で取引されている。

また、ベルト用の馬車柄金具は、中古市場で約 5,000円程度で取引されている。

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