【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】ARNOLD Model Maker Crocodile Electric Locomotive

【ARNOLD】Model Maker Crocodile Electric Locomotive

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ARNOLD Model Maker Crocodile Electric Locomotive


【Brand Shooting,Good Industrial design:Photo Collection】ARNOLD Model Maker Crocodile Electric Locomotive


Arnold is a model maker in Germany and is now a specialized brand for N gauges under the umbrella of Hornby Group in the UK.

After the Second World War, entered the model railroad. At that time lay the foundation of “N gauge”, but it gets bought after bankruptcy.

Many models mainly sell old model railroad model in second hand market.

There are also few number and scarcity, and it is traded at high price.

The vehicle structure is mainly made of molded plastic, and the zinc alloy part of molding is adopted as the power part.

Long ago, purchased inexpensively the released goods that had been exhibited in large quantities in the flea market to withdraw from the model.

Today it has several times more price.


アーノルト クロコダイル 電気機関車 Nゲージ








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